First Hour Free

Experience the wonders of a Scalar Wave Session

If you haven’t yet experienced a session at a Scalar Wave Center, you may be missing out on one of nature's wonders. When scalar waves collide in our center, they form a Photon Fountain, which excites the mitochondria in your blood cells (the life force). Stimulating the mitochondria can bring numerous benefits to your system, including:

  • Repair DNA

  • Detoxify the Body

    • Removes heavy metals and pesticides

  • Return Body to Optimal State

    • “The power that makes the body, heals the body.”

  • Reduce Aging

    • Increases telomeres

  • Increase Mitochondrial Activity

    • Energy house of the body, nerve cell regeneration

  • Increase Cellular Millivoltage

    • Boosts cell voltage to 70-90 millivolts

  • Alkalize the Body

  • Increase Circulation and Oxygenation of Cells

  • Enhance Mood

    • Reduces stress, promotes feelings of peacefulness and happiness

  • Reduce Pain

  • Strengthen Immune System

  • Nullify Detrimental Fields

    • Reduces radiation, EMF, and ELF exposure

  • Boost Brain Function

  • Reverse Inflammation

  • Grounding

  • Improve Sleep

  • Balance Right and Left Brain Function

Experience the transformative effects of a scalar wave session and discover the profound benefits for your mind and body. Click the link below to be taken to the form page.